January 24th, 2017 | pw
Categories: child abuse, children's rights, community awareness, community development, community empowerment, comprehensive sexuality education, cse, sexual violence, sexuality education, violence against children
Better public perception on comprehensive sexuality education is a crucial step to prevent sexual violence.
Program Manager: Ni Putu Widyastuti
Collaborators: Rutgers WPF Indonesia, BP3A Bali Province (Women Empowerment and Child Protection Agency), Radio Cassanova, Duta FM Bali
Location: Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia
The National Child Protection Commission (KPAI) data showed a 100% increase in sexual violence against children between 2013 and 2014[1] in Indonesia and Bali is within the top 10 regions with highest violence against children in the country [2]. The Ministry of Social Affairs recorded at least 1.5 million teenagers experienced sexual violence in 2014[3] and according to the Women Empowerment and Child Protection Agency (BP3A) Bali Province, the media reported harassment/violence against children at least every two days in 2016 in Bali. These facts show that Indonesia, Bali, is in an emergency state in terms of (sexual) violence and therefore, immediate actions are crucial to take.
To support government’s efforts in addressing the situation, Krishnalila Foundation (KLF) and Rutgers WPF Indonesia conducted a few public education activities on 18-20 December 2016 in Bali as part of the CSE Roadshow 2016 Indonesia, which was held in several Indonesian regions in December 2016 by Rutgers WPF Indonesia.
To increase public acceptance on the importance of comprehensive sexuality education to prevent sexual violence to children and to have more schools adopt CSE in their curriculum.
Public education, awareness campaign
Workshop for mothers:
Speaking about sexuality is by many in Indonesia is considered as taboo. There is not much of a proper guidance for parents to teach their children, to speak to their children about sexuality. It is only international schools mainly that provide sexuality education incorporated into their curriculum. In their confusion to answer, to explain to the children on questions revolving this matter, this workshop aims to provide a space for parents, particularly mothers, to discuss among themselves with insights from CSE experts and child psychologist in a relaxing, intimate atmosphere on their experience and difficulties talking about sexuality to their children and discuss best possible ways to prevent the children from sexual predators.
Mommies & Kids in Intimate Conversation: A Comprehensive Sexuality Education
Seminar for schools, government agencies, and the related stakeholders:
It requires collaborative efforts to addressing the issue of sexual violence against children; parents, educators, governments, NGOs, and doctors need to sit and agree on the importance of giving a comprehensive sexuality education to children as early as possible in answering the issue. Each party has their own perspective and these need to be told and brought together in a discussion to find best solutions. It is deemed important, thus, to hold a seminar to smoothen the communications process in achieving the goal, to finally have (more) schools adopt CSE in their curriculum in order to pave ways towards developing parents- child-teacher communications program and child protection development.
Radio Talkshow
For the public, who didn’t make it to attend neither the seminar and the workshop, and to add to the face-to-face communications activities and education opportunities, they can stay tune to the radio talkshow, which discusses comprehensive sexuality education. Prime time was chosen to air the talkshow so that people who go on their way to work can also have the opportunity to understand more about CSE. This is a way to increase public perception on CSE.
CSE Talkshow on Radio Cassanova 102 FM Bali
Cited references:
[1] http://www.kpai.go.id/berita/kpai-pelecehan-seksual-pada-anak-meningkat-100/
[2] https://m.tempo.co/read/news/2015/06/13/063674707/kpai-bali-masuk-10-besar-kekerasan-anak
[3] http://news.detik.com/berita/2584418/survei-ri-unicef-15-juta-remaja-alami-kekerasan-seksual-1-tahun-terakhir